Jane Fulcher
What can diners expect from Ormer Mayfair by Sofian?
We have moved away from the traditional a la carte menu to offer tasting menus only. Our menus (including a vegetarian tasting menu) range from five courses for lunch and either seven or nine courses for dinner. This allows our diners to enjoy an all-round culinary experience. We also have a fantastic head sommelier, Zareh Mesrobian, who will take diners on a ‘world tour’ should they decide to go for a wine pairing experience.
What are the signature dishes at Ormer Mayfair by Sofian?
One of our signature dishes includes our poached native lobster with Isle of Wight tomato, pine nut and basil – the perfect combination of local and fresh produce. For a seamless end to the menu, I love serving our signature dessert – a delicious Abinao and tapioca tart with Pedro Ximénez sherry and salted milk sorbet. The rich chocolate flavours really come through in this decadent treat.

Are you excited to be embarking on your first solo project?
Absolutely! I always knew that I wanted to oversee my own kitchen some day and this was the perfect opportunity for me. I am thrilled to be heading up the new culinary concept for Ormer Mayfair and to be working alongside some incredible team members.
What ingredient can you not live without?
A seemingly humble, yet important ingredient for me – salt. It really can elevate a dish and helps bring out natural flavours. There are so many different kinds of salt you can use in cooking, all with different purposes. If you think table salt is your only option in the kitchen, think again.
Who is your role model?
My role model in the industry is Daniel Clifford. I really admire his career and working in his kitchen at Midsummer House in Cambridge was an experience I will not forget.

What are your biggest passions outside of food and drink?
Football. I have always loved the sport.
Where are your favourite places to eat in the world?
At home with my family. My dad is originally from Morocco and we have big family gatherings, eating tagines. These moments are really special.
Who from history or the present day would you most like to cook for and what would you make them?
It would have to be Marco Pierre White – he’s an icon. I’m not sure what I’d make for him, however, but I don’t think the menu would be that important. We’d be too busy having a good laugh!
Click here to reserve a table at Ormer Mayfair by Sofian
And click here to read Brummell’s review of Ormer Mayfair by Sofian.